Why I Ditched Blogger Comments for Disqus

Thursday, February 26, 2015
disqus, comment system, blogger or disqus

One of what seemed the hardest decisions to make late last year was what to do with my commenting system. I wasn't liking the traditional Blogger comment form yet didn't want to banish all of my comments that I'd built up over the past two years. The display, ease of use & most of all, not being able to follow-up reply comments were turning me off Blogger and preferring Disqus for commenting. After a quick chat with some lovely bloggers on Twitter, I took the plunge to move over to Disqus & I haven't regretted it since. It's amazing!

T H E    D I S P L A Y   I find the Disqus commenting system much more aesthetically pleasing than Blogger's. I love the colour scheme, size of photos and general fonts that fit well with almost every blog I've seen. If I'm being nit-picky, Disqus also has less spacing than Blogger. This is not a major issue for me but I do think it looks much better.

E D I T I N G   For me, editing is a major plus for moving to Disqus. How many times have you posted a comment then checked back a while later to realize that you've spelt something wrong or missed a word out of a sentence so your reply makes no sense? With Disqus, you can edit your comments after you publish them - no more silly mistakes and yay to being a little more professional!

R E P L I E S   Above all of the points I've mentioned in this post, the main reason I switched was to make replying and follow-up comments easier to tackle. I've found that once I've commented on a blog using the Blogger comment form, I have to remember to check back a few days later to see if they've replied. With Disqus comes a notification system in which you get an update once you've gotten a reply. Genius, right?

I think I can safely say that Disqus is my new love and I'm ditching the Blogger comment form. What do you think? Which do you prefer?