new years resolutions

Tuesday, January 01, 2013
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I love the start of a new year. It makes me feel so refreshed, new and different. Time and time again I make silly New Years Resolutions and can't stick to them because they're too extreme, but this year I'm determined to better myself and make achievable goals.

No stress! This is being tested from right now as I have 3 January resit exams in under a week, and I'm still putting off the revision. I am more laid-back now and although I know the exams are very important, I am not going to make myself ill by being stressed or having anxiety like I have in the past.

Be healthy. Yes, the generic 'I want to lose weight in the New Year', which basically means I will eat healthy for about a week and find a few biscuits and wahey the diet's out of the window! I want to lose quite a bit of weight just to feel comfortable in myself, not for other people.

Blogging. I've only been here properly blogging for over a month, and I'm so surprised and happy about how much I've learnt and achieved. I have found a real passion in blogging and it's really acted as a little backup or sanctuary for when things get difficult. I want to learn more and get more involved, so my readers, my blog and myself can benefit.

Save money. I am terrible with money. As soon as I have any, it seems like it burns a hole in my pocket and I have to spend it. My gran and my dad are always pestering me about not saving my money and I really want to be able to do it!

Be positive. I really want to become a nicer person to everybody. I feel bad when I walk into somebody in a supermarket and I'm too busy to say 'sorry'. I'm going to take time and effort to be nice to everyone, and be a happier person in general.


  1. thx for sending your link in the bbloggers chat! I'm following now, you have a great blog! Happy New Year!

  2. I love the resolutions you have...hope you are able to conquer them. I decided to follow you, I see you have passion for blogging. I hope you can check out my site: and hopefully join. Keep posting, and stay true to your passion. Thanks and God Bless!

    Steven B.

  3. Good luck with your New Years resolutions Hun and Happy New Year :)

  4. good luck with your resolutions! you have such a lovely blog btw :)

    from helen at thelovecatsinc // @thelovecatsinc // YT: thelovecatsinc

    ps. my giveaway to win £50 to spend on shoes ends soon, click here!


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