sunday sum-up #3

Sunday, September 08, 2013
So, yet again it's time for another Sunday Edition post. I love writing little summaries of the week, and makes me realize the highlights (and lowlights) of the week. So, without further ado, this week I have been...

Watching: Britain and Ireland's Next Top Model. I love this show, and was so sad that it was the final this week! I don't know how I'll be spending my Thursday evenings now :(

Wearing: M. Asam Magic Finish Makeup. Such a perfect product for a natural everyday look. I was thinking of doing a post on this, but to sum the product up, it's a skin corrector/very very light foundation that cancels dark circles and unwanted red areas.

Reading: Ellie's blog Ellalogy. I love her blog and have been following for quite a few months. Her photographs are to die for.

Smelling: Nice cups of tea and custard cremes. Mmmm.

Thinking: I should really stop blogging and do my homework...

Buying: Nothing! I have no money as I'm terrible at saving and do not have enough time to go shopping with school and tonnes of homework!

Wanting: To go shopping :( I've literally not bought anything like makeup, clothes or jewelry for over 2 weeks and I feel like I'm lost.

Feeling: Tired! School is so tiring - getting up at 6.30 am is not ideal.

Loving: Making shapes with my sugar in a mug of tea :)


  1. This is actually such a good idea to do a sunday post! I like being nosey! I love Next top model but I can't find it on sky anywhere!

  2. I love BINTM. Was so disappointed with the winner ): x

  3. Hello. I don't do follow for follows.
    I've been thinking about having someone do a guest post sometime in October, but I'm not sure yet. If I do end up doing it, i'll contact you x

  4. I'm terrible at saving money too |: I seriously need to work on that.

    // Inês Paúl //


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