Harlequin Tea & Coffee House

Thursday, February 27, 2014
Whilst in York, the family and I decided to potter around the city of York (read the post here) for a quick pit-stop and a good hot drink. I'm a big fan of independent coffee houses - although slightly expensive, I love the different  atmospheres you can find yourself in where you'd normally pass without acknowledging.

This coffee shop is so small it's really easy to miss. Essentially, it's just a small door leading up stairs into a small coffee house. The views, however, mean that you can get a full view of King Square and if you're lucky, you might be able to watch the street performers whilst enjoying a cup of hot chocolate. I had a frappe but wasn't too keen and then ended up stealing some of my dad's latte... He caught me. Overall, a lovely little stop for a hot drink if you're discovering the streets of York!