Howdy partner
Sunday, November 04, 2012
Ola! I see you've somehow stumbled upon my blog. My name is Elise Dopson and I live in the UK. I created this blog as I've ran out of people to talk to without suddenly running off on a tangent about something beauty or fashion related! I've been reading beauty and fashion blogs for months and was waiting to pluck up the courage to make my own. That brings us to today! The launch of I'll probably look back on this and think 'what the hell was I doing' but it's worth a try - if you don't try you'll never know!
On this blog I'm hoping to include hauls, reviews, and the odd random ramble thrown in just for good measure. So, put your feet up, grab a cup of tea and chat - we have beauty to talk about! :)
Au reviour!
P.S. I don't always say hello/goodbye in a different language, I don't even know why I did that. I can speak English, I promise.
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